
Carian Emoji AI Sebenar

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'Kopi & Teh' emoji

minuman panas, hot beverage
cawan teh tanpa tangkai, teacup without handle
teko teh, teapot
mate, mate
segelas susu, glass of milk
teh buih, bubble tea
cawan dan straw, cup with straw
pukul sepuluh, ten o’clock
kole bir, beer mug
minuman air kotak, beverage box
akar halia, ginger root
satu setengah, one-thirty
menuang cecair, pouring liquid
gelas pendek, tumbler glass
gelas wain, wine glass
dua setengah, two-thirty
bendera: Ethiopia, flag: Ethiopia
roti, bread
kiub ais, ice
tiga setengah, three-thirty
sepotong kek, shortcake
persegi perang, brown square
kole bir berdenting, clinking beer mugs
gelas koktel, cocktail glass
minuman tropika, tropical drink
wafel, waffle
bendera: Yaman, flag: Yemen
sake, sake
ais krim lembut, soft ice cream
hati perang, brown heart
mặt có túi mắt, face with bags under eyes
sekeping coklat, chocolate bar
mangkuk dan sudu, bowl with spoon
air batu campur, shaved ice
kek cawan, cupcake
bulatan perang, brown circle
ais krim, ice cream
bagel, bagel
empat setengah, four-thirty
fondue, fondue
air minum, potable water
biskut, cookie
bendera: Guatemala, flag: Guatemala
katak, frog
kedai serbaneka, convenience store
kacang, beans
seperiuk makanan, pot of food
telur, egg
kroisan, croissant
mata air panas, hot springs
herba, herb
keranda, coffin
kelapa, coconut

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