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웃는 고양이 😺
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Taylor Swift
'Japanese Culture' emojis
globe showing Asia-Australia, 아시아와 호주가 보이는 지구
This is a globe emoji showing Asia and Australia. It is used when discussing the Asia-Pacific region, including countries like Korea, China, Japan, and Australia.
Japanese “application” button, 거듭 신
This emoji represents the Japanese kanji for "application". It's a unique symbol mainly used in East Asian cultures.
Japanese “congratulations” button, 원 안의 축하 표의문자
This emoji displays the Chinese character "祝" (chuk), meaning "congratulations," enclosed in a circle. It's used to celebrate happy occasions like birthdays, weddings, and graduations.
Japanese “here” button, 일본어 "여기" 버튼
🈁 represents the katakana characters "ココ (koko)", which means "here" in Japanese. It's frequently seen on Japanese signage.
person with skullcap, 중국 전통 모자를 쓰고 있는 남자
This emoji depicts a man wearing a gua pi mao, a traditional Chinese hat. It is used to represent traditional East Asian culture.
Japanese “prohibited” button, 금할 금
This emoji depicts the Japanese kanji character for "prohibited." It is used to indicate that something is not allowed.
Japanese symbol for beginner, 일본 초보운전 표시
This emoji represents a symbol for beginners, originating in Japan. It's frequently used by people learning to drive or starting something new.
person taking bath, 목욕하는 사람
This emoji represents a person taking a bath in a bathtub. It expresses a time of relaxation and healing.
Japanese “free of charge” button, 없을 무
This emoji represents the Japanese kanji character '無 (mu),' meaning 'free' or 'none.' It's frequently seen in online shopping malls and advertisements.
chart increasing with yen, 엔화 관련 상승하는 그래프
This emoji shows a chart increasing with the Japanese yen. It's used to express a positive economic situation.
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