Real AI Emoji Search
party food
picnic food
cute animals
large animals
New Year party
웃는 고양이 😺
Harry Potter
Taylor Swift
'Apology' emojis
downcast face with sweat, 식은땀 흘리는 얼굴
This emoji expresses a face sweating from worry or anxiety. It is often used in tense situations like exams, interviews, or presentations.
woman kneeling, 무릎을 꿇은 여자
This emoji depicts a woman kneeling. It represents a posture of prayer or showing respect.
see-no-evil monkey, 눈을 가리고 있는 원숭이
It's a cute monkey emoji covering its eyes with its hands. It's used to express embarrassment or shame.
man tipping hand, 손바닥 꺾은 남자
This emoji shows a man with his palm facing upwards. It's often used when giving information or explaining something.
face with hand over mouth, 손으로 입을 가린 얼굴
This emoji is often used in situations where you've made a mistake or feel embarrassed. It depicts a smiling face with a hand covering the mouth.
person gesturing OK, 오케이라는 제스처를 하는 사람
This emoji represents "OK" by making a circle with both arms above the head. It's used to indicate a positive response or agreement.
Japanese “application” button, 거듭 신
This emoji represents the Japanese kanji for "application". It's a unique symbol mainly used in East Asian cultures.
anguished face, 괴로워하는 얼굴
This emoji represents an anguished expression. It is often used in difficult or painful situations.
frowning face with open mouth, 입 벌리고 찌푸린 얼굴
This emoji is used when you hear unexpected bad news. It's often used in worrisome or embarrassing situations.
man frowning, 찌푸린 남자
This emoji shows a man with a frown. It's used when feeling unhappy or angry.
face with rolling eyes, 눈을 굴리고 있는 얼굴
This emoji expresses frustration or annoyance. It depicts eyes rolling upwards, indicating disagreement with someone's words or actions.
palm down hand, 손바닥을 아래로 향한 손
This emoji represents a gesture with the palm facing down. It is mainly used to signify "calm down" or "slow down."
smiling face with tear, 눈물 흘리며 웃는 얼굴
This emoji expresses complex emotions, showing a smiling face while shedding tears. It represents moments where joy and sadness are intertwined.
English Realtime Ranking
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