sad but relieved face
sad but relieved face, ėĪë§íė§ë§ ėëíë ėžęĩī
This emoji is used when a difficult situation has passed but you still feel anxious. It's commonly used when barely passing a test or escaping from a dangerous situation.
This emoji expresses complex emotions mixing relief and worry. It's frequently used when tense moments in school or daily life have passed.
íë ėíĐė ė§ëŽė§ë§ ėė§ ë§ėėī ëķėí ë ė°ë ėīëŠĻė§ėė. ėíė ęēĻė° íĩęģžíęą°ë ėíí ėíĐė ëēėīëŽė ë ë§ėī ėŽėĐíīė.
ėëę°ęģž ęąąė ėī ėėļ ëģĩėĄí ę°ė ė ííí ë ė°ë ėīëŠĻė§ėė. íęĩë ėžėėíėė ęēŠë ęļīėĨë ėę°ėī ė§ëę°ė ë ėėĢž ėŽėĐíīė.

This emoji frequently appears on global social media to express 'narrow escape' or 'close call' moments. Particularly, Gen Z often uses this emoji when sharing small crisis moments from their daily lives.
Similar to the Korean expression of relief 'whew~', this emoji carries emotions that are universally understood across different cultures. It's commonly used after successfully completing stressful situations like exams, interviews, or presentations, and is effective in expressing comfort and empathy.