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'Islamic Cultural Sphere' emojis
flag: Saudi Arabia, 깃발: 사우디아라비아
Saudi Arabia is one of the largest countries in the Middle East. Its flag features white script on a green background.
woman with headscarf, 머리에 스카프를 두른 여자
This emoji represents a woman wearing a headscarf. It mainly expresses the hijab worn in Islamic cultures.
woman wearing turban, 터번을 쓰고 있는 여자
A turban is a traditional cloth headpiece worn by Muslims. Women also wear turbans for religious reasons or cultural traditions.
man wearing turban, 터번을 쓰고 있는 남자
This emoji depicts a man wearing a turban. It is often used to represent Muslim or Sikh men.
flag: Morocco, 깃발: 모로코
Morocco is a country in Northwest Africa. Its flag features a green star on a red background.
flag: United Arab Emirates, 깃발: 아랍에미리트
The United Arab Emirates is a wealthy country in the Middle East. It has modern cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, and it is a nation rich in oil.
flag: Western Sahara, 깃발: 서사하라
Western Sahara is a region located in Northwest Africa. It's named as such because of its location west of the Sahara Desert.
flag: Azerbaijan, 깃발: 아제르바이잔
Azerbaijan is a country in Eurasia. Its flag has blue, red, and green stripes with a white crescent moon and star.
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