Real AI Emoji Search
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웃는 고양이 😺
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'Empathy' emojis
smiling face with tear, 눈물 흘리며 웃는 얼굴
This emoji expresses complex emotions, showing a smiling face while shedding tears. It represents moments where joy and sadness are intertwined.
It is often used in touching moments such as graduations or farewells. It shows an effort to smile positively even in difficult situations.
smiling face with open hands, 포옹하고 있는 얼굴
This emoji expresses a warm hug. It's often used to convey joy and gratitude.
open hands, 양손을 모아서 벌린 모양
It represents open hands. It is used to express a welcoming or wanting a hug.
sun behind large cloud, 큰 구름 뒤의 태양
This emoji depicts the sun being obscured by a large cloud. It represents cloudy weather.
sun behind small cloud, 작은 구름 뒤의 태양
This emoji depicts the bright sun shining from behind a small cloud. It generally represents clear weather.
smiling face with smiling eyes, 미소 짓는 눈으로 살짝 웃는 얼굴
This emoji represents a warm smile with both eyes and mouth smiling. It's the most basic expression for indicating happiness and a good mood.
downcast face with sweat, 식은땀 흘리는 얼굴
This emoji expresses a face sweating from worry or anxiety. It is often used in tense situations like exams, interviews, or presentations.
face with tears of joy, 기쁨의 눈물을 흘리는 얼굴
This emoji represents a laughing face with tears of joy, indicating extreme happiness or amusement.
people hugging, 포옹하는 사람
This emoji depicts two people embracing each other. It is used to convey warmth and comfort.
grinning face with smiling eyes, 미소 짓는 눈으로 활짝 웃는 얼굴
A grinning face with smiling eyes expresses genuine joy and happiness. The smiling eyes make it appear even more sincere.
sun with face, 얼굴이 있는 해
The sun with face emoji is a brightly smiling sun. It gives a warm and friendly feeling.
people holding hands, 손을 잡고 있는 두 명의 사람
This emoji depicts two people holding hands. It represents love, friendship, and solidarity.
slightly smiling face, 살짝 미소 짓는 얼굴
This emoji depicts a soft and gentle smile. It's used to express friendliness and goodwill.
umbrella with rain drops, 빗방울이 있는 우산
An umbrella with falling raindrops represents weather with heavy rain. This emoji is often used when conveying news about rain.
smiling face with halo, 후광이 비치는 웃는 얼굴
This emoji expresses a pure and kind heart. The circular halo above the head represents an angelic appearance.
man tipping hand, 손바닥 꺾은 남자
This emoji shows a man with his palm facing upwards. It's often used when giving information or explaining something.
English Realtime Ranking
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