victory hand
victory hand, 브이 표시
The V sign is one of the most popular hand gestures worldwide. It's frequently used to express joy, especially when taking photos.
It has become an almost essential pose for selfies, particularly in Asian countries like Korea and Japan. It's also widely used to signify victory or peace.
브이(V) 표시는 전 세계적으로 가장 인기 있는 손 제스처예요. 사진을 찍을 때 즐거운 마음을 표현하는 데 자주 사용해요.
특히 한국과 일본 등 아시아에서는 셀카를 찍을 때 거의 필수적인 포즈가 되었어요. 승리나 평화의 의미로도 많이 사용돼요.

This gesture is said to have been first used by Winston Churchill during World War II to symbolize victory. Later, in the 1960s, it evolved into a symbol of peace during the anti-war movement and spread globally.
In modern times, it has become even more popular due to the influence of K-pop idols. Especially in Asia, it has become an essential gesture for expressing a cute and friendly image. It's also a common way to convey bright and positive emotions on social media.