
Carian Emoji AI Sebenar

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haiwan comel
haiwan besar
parti Tahun Baru
웃는 고양이 😺
Harry Potter
Taylor Swift

'Kamera' emoji

kamera, camera
kamera video, video camera
kamera filem, movie camera
kamera dengan denyar, camera with flash
swafoto, selfie
panggung, cinema
projektor filem, film projector
bingkai filem, film frames
cermin, mirror
bingkai dengan gambar, framed picture
papan pengetap, clapper board
butang rakam, record button
televisyen, television
pita video, videocassette
kanta pembesar condong ke kiri, magnifying glass tilted left
kanta pembesar condong ke kanan, magnifying glass tilted right
mata, eye
lampu suluh, flashlight
telefon bimbit, mobile phone
butang cerah, bright button
berkhemah, camping
mesin faksimili, fax machine
kalendar, calendar
mikrofon studio, studio microphone
khemah, tent
cermin mata, glasses
tingkap, window
helikopter, helicopter
mata dalam gelembung pertuturan, eye in speech bubble
sepasang mata, eyes
malam berbintang, night with stars
panorama kota waktu senja, cityscape at dusk
teleskop, telescope
butang malap, dim button
memo, memo
kad pengenalan, identification card
jalan trem udara, aerial tramway
gagang telefon, telephone receiver
topeng menyelam, diving mask
mikroskop, microscope
kereta, automobile
pencetak, printer
satelit, satellite
berus cat, paintbrush
butang main atau jeda, play or pause button
bateri, battery
folder buka fail, open file folder
telefon, telephone
air pancut, fountain
roda ferris, ferris wheel
kenderaan rekreasi, sport utility vehicle
jam tangan, watch
buku nota dengan kulit berhias, notebook with decorative cover

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