woman judge
woman judge, ėŽė íėŽ
This emoji represents a female judge working in a courtroom. She is a professional who delivers fair and just rulings.
The number of female judges has been increasing recently. It's inspiring to see them uphold justice with their outstanding abilities.
ëēė ėė ėžíë ėŽė íėŽëĨž ëíëīë ėīëŠĻė§ė ëëĪ. ęģĩė íęģ ė ėëĄėī íęē°ė ëīëĶŽë ė ëŽļę°ė ëëĪ.
ėĩę·žėë ėŽė íėŽëëĪėī ë§ėī ëėīëęģ ėėĩëëĪ. ë°ėīë ėĪë ĨėžëĄ ė ėëĨž ėĪííë ëŠĻėĩėī ëĐėėĩëëĪ.

This emoji is a prominent symbol of gender equality in the legal profession, showcasing the status of female legal professionals who possess both expertise and impartiality. They are particularly recognized for their nuanced judgment in gender issues, child, and family-related cases.
This reflects the growing influence of female judges in supreme courts and international courts around the world. They are leading the transformation of the traditionally male-dominated legal field and demonstrating new leadership in realizing justice from diverse perspectives.