red heart
red heart, 빨간색 하트
The red heart emoji is the most basic expression of love. It represents feelings of affection and warmth.
It's often used to express love to friends, family, and romantic partners. It's also frequently used to express liking something.
가장 기본적인 사랑의 표현인 빨간 하트 이모지입니다. 좋아하는 마음이나 따뜻한 감정을 나타냅니다.
친구나 가족, 연인에게 사랑하는 마음을 전할 때 많이 사용해요. 좋아하는 것을 표현할 때도 자주 씁니다.

A universally recognized symbol of love across cultures, it's one of the most used emojis on social media. It's frequently used as a like button or reaction emoji.
The heart shape originated in medieval Europe and has become a global symbol of love in modern times. It was one of the first symbols to be made into an emoji in the digital age and has become an essential element in online communication.