pregnant person
pregnant person, ėė í ėŦë
The pregnant person emoji represents pregnancy regardless of gender. It has an inclusive meaning for all people.
This emoji was created in 2022 and is used to represent pregnancy for people of diverse gender identities. It reflects the inclusive values of modern society.
ėė í ėŦë ė´ëĒ¨ė§ë ėąëŗė ę´ęŗėė´ ėė í ėíëĨŧ ëíë ëë¤. ëĒ¨ë ėŦëė íŦėŠíë ėë¯¸ę° ėė´ė.
ė´ ė´ëĒ¨ė§ë 2022ë ė ë§ë¤ė´ėĄęŗ , ë¤ėí ėą ė ė˛´ėąė ę°ė§ ėŦëë¤ė ėė ė ííí ë ėŦėŠíŠëë¤. íë ėŦíė íŦėŠė ė¸ ę°ėšę´ė ëŗ´ėŦė¤ė.

This gender-neutral emoji represents the diversity and inclusivity of modern society. It doesn't limit the experience of pregnancy to a specific gender and includes all people who can become pregnant.
It is being used as a communication tool, especially by the MZ generation, that respects gender equality and diversity. Particularly on social media, it symbolizes the movement towards a non-discriminatory society, alongside the use of gender-neutral language.