person juggling
person juggling, 저글링하는 사람
This emoji depicts a fun performance of tossing and catching multiple objects in the air. It's often seen in circuses or street performances.
Juggling is a fun skill that requires concentration and a sense of balance. Many people enjoy watching this act.
여러 개의 물건을 공중에 던지고 받으며 재미있는 묘기를 보여주는 이모지입니다. 서커스나 거리 공연에서 볼 수 있어요.
저글링은 집중력과 균형감각이 필요한 재미있는 기술입니다. 많은 사람들이 이 묘기를 보면서 즐거워해요.

This performing art requires high concentration and skill to handle various objects simultaneously. In modern times, it's often used to represent "multitasking" or "handling multiple tasks at the same time."
The history of juggling dates back to ancient Egypt, and it was an essential skill for court jesters in the Middle Ages. Today, it's utilized in various fields, including not only circuses but also street performances and art education.