
face with medical mask

face with medical mask, 마ėŠ¤íŦ 낀 ė–ŧęĩ´


This emoji represents a face wearing a mask. It is used when talking about being sick or unwell, or in situations where wearing a mask is necessary.

It has become one of the most used emojis worldwide since COVID-19. It is also frequently used on days with high levels of fine dust or when someone has a cold.

Windows 11

Originally created in 2010 to reflect East Asia's mask-wearing culture, it was commonly used in Japan and Korea for preventing colds or blocking fine dust.

Through the COVID-19 pandemic, the meaning of this emoji has expanded globally. It has become a symbol of social responsibility and solidarity, beyond simple disease prevention, and has established itself as a cultural icon representing the new normal of modern society.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

😷 mask mode on
😷🤧 covid survivor
😷 dust mask warrior
😷💊 pill popper
😷 indoor armor