envelope, 봉투
This emoji is a basic representation of a letter or email. It symbolizes all kinds of correspondence, from paper letters to digital messages.
It is frequently used on social media or messenger apps when exchanging messages or news. It is especially common when announcing important news or notices.
이 이모지는 편지나 이메일을 나타내는 기본적인 표현입니다. 종이 편지부터 디지털 메시지까지 모든 종류의 서신을 상징합니다.
SNS나 메신저에서 연락이나 소식을 주고받을 때 자주 사용됩니다. 특히 중요한 소식이나 공지를 알릴 때 많이 쓰입니다.
It has become a symbol of communication, encompassing everything from traditional paper letters to modern emails. It is particularly used to emphasize the credibility of a document when conveying official contact or important messages.
Even in the digital age, letters are still perceived as a precious medium for conveying warm feelings. This emoji is often used when wanting to express special emotions, particularly in Korean culture, such as with fan letters or year-end greeting cards.