baseball, 야구공
A baseball is a round ball made of white leather. It has a distinctive pattern sewn with red thread.
Baseball is a very popular sport in countries like the United States, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The matchup between the pitcher and the batter is very exciting.
야구공은 하얀 가죽으로 만들어진 둥근 공입니다. 빨간색 실로 꿰맨 특별한 무늬가 있어요.
야구는 미국, 일본, 한국, 대만 등에서 매우 인기 있는 스포츠입니다. 투수와 타자의 대결이 매우 흥미진진해요.

Major League baseballs are made with 108 stitches, and are constructed by wrapping special rubber and wool yarn around a cork core. Each league has slightly different manufacturing methods and standards for their official balls.
The characteristics of a baseball change depending on the weather and storage conditions, and humidity, in particular, greatly affects the ball's flight distance. Because of this, Major League Baseball is known for storing all its baseballs in a special humidified room.