Japanese dolls
Japanese dolls, ėŧëŗ¸ ė¸í
They are traditional dolls that can be seen at the Hinamatsuri, a Japanese festival for girls. It's a pair of male and female dolls dressed in beautiful clothes.
On March 3rd, during the festival, these dolls are decorated to wish for the health and happiness of young girls. They are characterized by their vibrant colors and intricate designs.

These dolls are regarded as works of art that showcase Japan's traditional costumes and culture, going beyond mere decorative items. In particular, the dolls' costumes and accessories are said to recreate the court culture of the Heian period, and each doll's pose and arrangement holds special meaning.
Recently, these traditional dolls have been reinterpreted in a modern way and are being used in fashion design and character merchandise. They frequently appear in global pop culture, especially serving as inspiration in the cosplay and animation fields. Their cultural value is recognized, and efforts are underway to have them inscribed as a UNESCO cultural heritage.