
3rd place medal

3rd place medal, 동메달


A bronze medal is awarded to the athlete who finishes in 3rd place. It signifies being among the top 3 in the world and is a very prestigious award.

Bronze medalists are generally very happy. Being among the top 3 out of numerous athletes is a remarkable achievement.

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The bronze medal is sometimes called the "happiest medal." According to research by psychologists, bronze medalists experience greater relief and joy at having won a medal, knowing they could have finished in 4th place or lower.

In the Olympics, there is a separate bronze medal match, making the 3rd-4th place playoff very intense. This match, which determines the color of the medal, holds significant meaning for the athletes and provides great excitement for fans.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🥉 still on podium
🥉✨ bronze gang
🥉😅 at least we placed
🥉💪 tried our best