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'Restlessness' emojis
face with steam from nose, 화내며 씩씩거리는 얼굴
This emoji depicts a face with steam coming out of its nostrils. It is generally used to express anger or annoyance.
palm down hand, 손바닥을 아래로 향한 손
This emoji represents a gesture with the palm facing down. It is mainly used to signify "calm down" or "slow down."
man running, 뛰는 남자
An emoji depicting a man running. Used to express sports, exercise, and busy daily life.
person in lotus position, 가부좌한 사람
The lotus position is a traditional meditation posture with legs crossed. Sitting in this pose can help you find inner peace.
face with symbols on mouth, 욕하는 얼굴
This emoji is used to express extreme anger. The symbols coming out of the mouth represent strong cursing or rage.
angry face with horns, 머리에 뿔이 달린 화난 얼굴
This emoji expresses anger with a devilish look. The purple face and small horns give it a mischievous feel.
mantelpiece clock, 벽난로 선반 시계
A mantelpiece clock is a luxurious clock used to decorate a home. It is often seen in traditional European interiors.
man in lotus position, 가부좌한 남자
This emoji represents a man doing yoga or meditation. It is used to express a peaceful and stable state of mind.
repeat single button, 한 곡 반복 재생
This button is used to repeat a single song continuously. Press it when you want to listen to your favorite song multiple times.
play or pause button, 재생 또는 일시 정지 버튼
This button lets you play or pause music and videos. It combines the play and pause functions into one.
hourglass done, 시간이 다 된 모래시계
An hourglass with all the sand run out. It indicates that time is up or a deadline has been reached.
expressionless face, 무표정한 얼굴
This emoji represents an expressionless face showing no emotion. It is often used in boring or annoying situations.
repeat button, 전곡 반복 재생
This button is used to repeat music or videos. It is commonly found in streaming apps.
clockwise vertical arrows, 시계 방향 화살표
It's a clockwise rotating arrow, a symbol used to indicate restarting or refreshing something.
anguished face, 괴로워하는 얼굴
This emoji represents an anguished expression. It is often used in difficult or painful situations.
anxious face with sweat, 땀 흘리며 불안해하는 얼굴
This emoji represents a face sweating from anxiety and nervousness. The blue sweat droplets are a distinctive feature.
downcast face with sweat, 식은땀 흘리는 얼굴
This emoji expresses a face sweating from worry or anxiety. It is often used in tense situations like exams, interviews, or presentations.
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