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'Magnifying Glass' emojis
magnifying glass tilted left, 왼쪽으로 향한 돋보기
This magnifying glass emoji is used when looking closely at or searching for something. It's a symbol frequently used for internet searches.
You often see this when indicating a search function on a smartphone or computer. It's used when looking up something you're curious about.
magnifying glass tilted right, 오른쪽으로 향한 돋보기
A magnifying glass is a tool that makes small things look bigger. It's used in science experiments or when you want to look at something closely.
On the internet, it's often used as a symbol for search. You press a button with this shape when looking for information on your smartphone or computer.
face with monocle, 단안경을 쓴 얼굴
This is a face emoji wearing a monocle on one eye. It's used to express intellectual and sophisticated imagery.
index pointing up, 위쪽을 가리키는 손
It's an image of a finger pointing upwards. It's often used to emphasize important content or draw attention.
backhand index pointing up, 위쪽을 가리키는 손등
This is an emoji of an index finger pointing up. It is used to emphasize something above or something important.
backhand index pointing left, 왼쪽을 가리키는 손등
This is an emoji of a backhand index finger pointing left. It is used to indicate direction or point to a specific object.
diamond with a dot, 점이 찍힌 다이아몬드 모양
A pretty diamond shape with a dot in the center. It's a cute emoji that gives a sparkling impression, like a jewel or an ornament.
person with white cane, 지팡이를 든 사람
This emoji represents a visually impaired person using a white cane. It embodies consideration and inclusion.
face with peeking eye, 한쪽 눈을 가리고 훔쳐보는 얼굴
This emoji is used to express peeking at someone or feeling shy. It cutely depicts a face peeking with one eye covered by a hand.
backhand index pointing down, 아래쪽을 가리키는 손등
This emoji depicts a finger pointing downwards. It's often used to indicate important content or links.
backhand index pointing right, 오른쪽을 가리키는 손등
This is an emoji of a backhand index finger pointing right. It is used to give directions or indicate the next piece of content.
small orange diamond, 작은 주황색 마름모
The small orange diamond emoji gives a bright and warm feeling. It is used to add emphasis to text or messages.
page facing up, 오른쪽 모서리가 접힌 문서
A document with a folded corner signifies new content or information. It's frequently seen in email or messaging apps.
right arrow curving up, 오른쪽에서 위로 꺾는 화살표
This arrow indicates a direction from right to up. It is frequently used as a symbol for giving directions or showing which way to go.
hourglass not done, 시간이 남은 모래시계
An hourglass is an old tool for measuring time. You can see the passage of time by watching the sand fall from top to bottom.
man tipping hand, 손바닥 꺾은 남자
This emoji shows a man with his palm facing upwards. It's often used when giving information or explaining something.
index pointing at the viewer, 보는 사람을 가리키는 검지
It's a finger pointing directly at the other person. It's the most intuitive way to express "you."
round pushpin, 둥근 머리 핀
This emoji represents a round pushpin. It is often used to mark a location or place.
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